Well, Linnea came very, very close by saying it was a white appliance like a freezer or a washing machine, but ultimately Fancy Pants got it right. At 10pm, after taking about 20 photos and failing to get a clear shot, in utter frustration I slapped (okay, I didn't slap it, but you know, literary license) the bracelet on the range and to my surprise the photo came out just fine.
Okay, I have to admit, I asked this question off the cuff last night - I have a design ready, but I haven't actually made the little surprise for the winner yet! I'll post a photo in a couple days and get your details then, okay, FP?
Thanks for playing my little side game!! Remember, though, the drawing for the bracelet is still on until next Wednesday.
ps. Don't look too closely at the photo, please - we deep-fried tonight, and the range could really use a good scrub...
pps. I completely forgot - apparently, it's International Talk Like A Pirate Day today. Be sure to say "Arrr, you scurvy dog" to someone you love. Or something to that effect.
Well I'll be a one legged pirate. I can't believe it!!! Yippee imagine me doing a very wobbly wooden legged happy dance. Arrrg
Hey, thanks for joining in with the pirate fun! I was really pleased that people left pirate-y comments :o)
About your competition - I hope you won't be offended if I don't enter. It's not that I don't like your bracelet, because I do very much - I think it's very pretty, and I think you are very talented - it's just that I have stupidly skinny wrists and bracelets are always too big for me. It's very frustrating. So, if by some stoke of luck I were to win, I'd feel guilty as I wouldn't be able to get much use from the prize, whereas I'm sure other people would.
But if you ever do another non-bracelet comp I'll be sure to enter that - I love a good giveaway :o)
(Sorry that this comment is kind of long and waffly, my brain is a bit mushy tonight - not feeling succinct enough!)
VC x
Sizing is always tricky, isn't it? I have stupidly skinny wrists, too. I had to make sure the prize was too big for me to wear when I made it, to accommodate a normal wrist size. No problem!
Aw, missed it by a nose! :D
I'm sorry Linnea! There's still the main drawing, though!
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