So, here's the question of the day: how far do you go in the name of unusual jewelry design? Here's a vintage set of genuine ceramic false teeth that I picked up recently. They are already drilled through the side and are therefore, in my opinion anyway, beading-ready. My mother, who is visiting, took one look at them and pronounced them "disgusting".
I must confess, though, I rather like them. I think they will add a little je ne sais quoi to the right design. What do you think? Over-the-top? What's the most outrageous beading material in your stash? Inquiring minds want to know.
I think they're cool and will work great in the right necklace....something goth I think.
Alas, I have nothing too strange in my stash yet
Yes... I like them. They will be perfect for something Goth or Steampunk! I'm envious.
My most unusual "bead" is a small glass tube/jar with baby puppy teeth and whiskers. It hasn't been put into anything, yet.
Holy cow! I'm with your Mom! Ick!
Okay, the most unusual beading ingredient is spice in my poly clay beads...and ever so fragrant!
But people have been using animal teeth for ever; also tusks, porcupine quills, bones etc.
Alas, I have no strange things in my stash (yet)!
I don't know what to say.... I guess the idea of using them separately is not that strange but when you see them all together is when it really hits you. I've never used anything over the top. The "craziest" (btw, doesn't hold a candle next to the teeth) I've used is washers and bolts.
Btw, I happenend onto your blog by accident and love it. Highly intriguing.
Sometimes you have to shock and awe your way through life. And for the right design I think they will be that special touch that gives the viewer pause....I would not likely wear them all strung togehter, but I like the idea of something lurking that you don't notice until up close and personal. Very intriguing. Whereever do you find this stuff?
Enjoy the day! Erin
I saved my kids baby teeth with this in mind, though I haven't committed to a project, I want it to be just right.
Maybe just use one at a time? I don't know -- they're cool and creepy at the same time (to me). My most unusual item is something I purchased at B&B last year. It's an Afghani grooming tool -- worn attached to a belt and complete with three tools. One removes earwax, one cleans nails, and the third is a pair of tweezers.
I think the teeth are creepy, but I guess they would fit great in a bones&skulls necklace of some sorts.
I don't have very strange items in my stash. The wildest thing I ever did was beadembroidery on a zipper and turn it into a necklace. It still zipped, so the wearer could decide to wear it long or short. It was really fun to do.
Thanks for all of the comments! I love the collection of unusual items here. (Pam, my mother still has a few of my baby teeth in her jewelry box - your comment made me go "hhmmmm".)
Kim, Do you have a photo of your zipper necklace? I'd love to see it!
I guess I'm tempted to use all of the teeth together for greater impact. I don't know - I'll have to think about it. I have this perverse desire to put them together with something really floral, though. I don't know if that will make them pop or just increase the "ick" factor, though!
AlsoMrsB, Okay, a small tube of puppy teeth sounds pretty dramatic.
Sharon, I like the idea of spice in polymer clay, especially around the holidays!
Karin, I don't think I've ever seen an Afghani grooming tool, but it sounds really interesting.
I think the ceramic teeth are interesting. I have some snake vertebrae beads from Africa. I also have some small cow bones pick up on the family farm. Eventually these are destined for a "tribal" piece I have in mind.
LOL Melissa!
At first I thought they were real. They're very well done! I have a couple of The Teen's baby teeth and hair from the first haircut (that I cried my way through). I like them and why wouldn't I? Afterall, I make the Goth Kidz beads who don't have any irises in their eyes and heart with pinz stuck in them ;-)
I know you'll come up with a lovely piece that will have your tongue firmly planted in the side of your cheek! ;-)
Gross! Somehow the idea of human teeth in jewelry is creepy! I don't know why-but animal teeth are ok. Nothing creepy in my collection-just basics like washers and some metal things.
I think they're awesome. Now all you need to do is make some PC lips, insert the teeth and you got yourself a nice little pendant.
This is not in my bead stash, but in my own jewelry collection. I have a small glass vessel with a glued cork top on a gold chain and what's inside?....drum roll please...my dad's ashes.
YIKES...I'm with Melissa on this one!
I don't like them.No way.But,you can probably do something cool with them and I'll have to eat my words.The strangest thing I have is the metal plates and screws and rods collected over the years as I break arms,leg,jaw,and other bones.But no teeth.
Your teeth made me think of some that the vet pulled from my pony, ones that had to go called "wolf" teeth-- never thought about using them but thanks for the idea! As far as unusual materials, one of my teachers in Berkeley who made handmade paper used to add hair to her mixes and it wasn't from her head-- I'll leave it to your imagination!
...actually, I LOVE these teeth. I have quite a collection myself. I have used them to make "fighting tooth and nail" necklaces, that i give to folks who are fighting cancer. Here's a link to a pic
you have to scroll down a bit to find them......
and if you go to my etsy shop you will see an elaborate one for sale!
i thought they were for dentists in the 30's to use to help them match false teeth/crown colors....but whatever - i just know i like them!
I say "ick" but also, go for it! Not sure about the floral between, tho, it may make it look like something stuck between your teeth after you eat, heehee!
I think they are creepy cool! They would be a shocking theme for jewelry!
I think vertebrae beads may be the most off the wall things I've used.
:) Janel
I have some fish vertebrae I got off the beach here in Lake Erie. And also some bird bones. I just havent figured out how I want to use them yet. I think these teeth would look cool with a nice set of fangs and some blood red garnets. Mmmm I just love Vampires. Twighlight anyone?
I love the teeth and am a bit jealous of your great find. My personal teeth are a train wreck, so I pretty much live at the dentist. If you ever have a full mold made of your upper and lower teeth, beg the dentist to give them to you. I keep my sets and now you've given me some really creepy ideas for how to use them, so thanks! mwah ha ha!
I save and use scales from the alligator gar that live and die in our lake. They're tough and look a lot like mother of pearl. They don't even smell! You can find them sometimes in the classified ads in the back of your jewelry magazines.
Hi there: This is my first visit to your site and I'm glad I found it. Here's a link for you http://www.brandonholschuh.com/Openpirate.html
Brandon's new book shows teeth as earrings and you can see a portion of one in this photo. Good luck and keep us informed.
Those are amazing! I am jealous of your find.
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