"Natural History." I overheard a couple visitors muttering as to what this actually is - it's a belt buckle! A belt buckle!
Okay, as you can probably tell from my most recent blog post, I did make it to the Bead & Button Show for a few hours yesterday.
I'm afraid I made some kind of weird mistake - I thought I had photos of all of the metal clay finalists, but I don't. The exhibit was modestly busy when I attended, and I didn't want to get in anyone else's way, so I took rather fast photos of each of the pieces, and I must have missed a couple. I'm really annoyed with myself. As a result, though, in an effort to be fair, I'm just posting photos of the winners plus my personal favorite piece from that category (and I don't mean mine - which is above, yay). If you were a finalist in the metal clay category but don't see your photo here, please feel free to leave a comment or email me - if I have a photo of your piece, I'll be more than happy to send it to you. After metal clay, I've posted photos of the winners in the seed bead category as well as a couple from beaded objects, which was my favorite category this year.
On to the winners:

I know, I know - the photo quality isn't that high. Sorry! This is one of Christi Anderson's delicate hinged boxes with a sepia-tint photo within.

Ruth Baillie's bracelet and Louise Duhamel's spinner ring (below) were my personal favorite pieces from metal clay. I ordered a photopolymer plate kit about six months ago and have yet to break it out of its box. I think I'm inspired to give it a try now! I love the beautiful, crisp images in Ruth's bracelet, and the subject matter is so sweet.

Another lovely, organic piece from Carol Babineau.

This spinner ring is just fab! I love a good concept piece and I can't imagine a better subject for one than a little vinyl and Rock'n'roll. This ring was one of my two favorites from the metal clay division!
Okay, Susan Mandel requested that I jot down the names of the winners in the seed bead category, so I decided to take photos of those winners, too:

First place is Hatsumi Oshitani from Japan.

Second place is Kathy King (sorry, I accidentally cut off Kathy's exhibit card when I took this photo!).

Third place is Sherry Serafini's necklace.

Pssst! And here's Sue Mandel's piece. Isn't it gorgeous?
Finally, here are a couple of my personal favorites:

My absolute favorite from the exhibit - it made me laugh. I love it! Sushi by Linda Rettich.

I also love this one - note the beaded heads of garlic. Lucky totems by Yoshi Marubashi.

Well, yes, I do have a tendency to love beaded food. And miniatures. Bakery by Nobuyo Chiba. I'm sure the Short One would have loved this one, if he'd been with me.
Phew, I think this must be the most image-heavy blog post I've ever done... That's it for Bead Dreams 2009 from me. I'll post about the marketplace tomorrow...
Great view, Melissa! Thanks a lot! May I have those pictures for my Russian blog please? With all your credentials!
Sure, please do. Thank you for asking!
Oh, my... Thanks a lot, my dear friend! :)))
Thanks for sharing for those of us too far to go. I'll get there some day
Thank you again, so much, for such wonderful images and taking the time to jot down the winners names and send them along! You did a great job photographing them as well (what a treat!)! I bet the whole exhibit was wonderful to see. Congratulations on being a finalist, I thought your piece was lovely and am looking forward to seeing more great items from you!!!
Best wishes,
Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to see the whole bunch when the results are published.
I thought that little bakery was the cutest thing!
Christi Anderson's piece was really amazing. I wanted to take it out of the case and look at it.
And I've already told you I thought yours was pretty amazing. :)
Did you see that red beaded trunk. Holy moly!
I LOVE yours to the nth power!!! :)
wow, those beaded pieces are just amazing!
Hi Bev! It is sort of overwhelming, I have to admit. I'm looking forward to being able to take classes at B&B in a year or two, once the SO is a little older.
Sue, It was my pleasure. I'm just sorry I wasn't able to take photos of everyone's pieces, as they were all so lovely - and the Convergence exhibit was stunning, too.
Jodi - I know what you mean! I agree.
Hi Christina,
The only reason I didn't post a photo of the chest is that I think it's been blogged about a lot already. How many YEARS do you think it took the artist to complete that? Totally stunning.
Jean, you are so sweet - thank you for always being in my corner! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
Holy cow the bead show looks like it was incredible! I really wanted to go. Good thing I didn't though, cause I wouldn't have been able to sleep again, from all the wonderful ideas running round my brain!
Thanks so much for including a photo of my bracelet - remember the little things. I only just heard today that it came second! Time to celebrate (as one of the "little things!".
Congratulations, Ruth! I love your piece! (I've got my eye on one of those little bird pendants in your shop right now - they are so cute!)
Melissa, thank you for sharing! Stunning, every bit of it. If I could materialize, I'd have *landed* at B&B!
Thanks for sharing, Melissa!
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