I'm just squeaking in under the wire for a Friday post - it's 11:54pm where I live. I re-made the "When the snow melts" pendant today. (For anyone who hasn't already read it, please go here for a photo of the first pendant, which I lost, and an explanation behind the design.) I felt that I made the colors slightly too light in the first version. I think I overcompensated here, though, and they turned out slightly darker than I intended. Resin always looks different after its been applied to the silver than it does on my mixing board, and I have a hard time gauging the shade as I'm applying pigment to it. I still like the way this came out, though. Plus, I really do like the understated effect of these white druzy quartz cabochons. When the light hits them a certain way, they sparkle tremendously. I may have to make an effort to visit that rock shop again to see if they have a few more of these...
I actually managed to meet the goal I set for myself at the beginning of the week - I made five new projects over the past couple days. I even managed to write up the proposals and submit them, a whole four days before the actual deadline. For me, the ultimate procrastinator, this is a decent accomplishment. Whether or not they were good enough for the editors to accept any of them is a different story... Still, this is the first time I've managed to design full pieces for some of the pendants I created earlier this year, which was fun. Hopefully, I'll be able to show them to you later on.
We took the Short One out to dinner tonight (even as a toddler, he has excellent restaurant manners and really enjoys eating out - I mean, he enjoys the ambiance. Whether he actually eats the food is kind of a toss-up). For some reason, he fixated tonight on the lemon wedges that were served with a plate of calamari. Despite out attempts to save him from himself on this point, he complained until we gave him a wedge, from which he promptly tried to take a bite (which is very unusual - usually he approaches new food the way a wild animal approaches a National Geographic photographer - suspiciously and with great caution). After a ten second routine involving squinty eyes, lips puckering and a huge shudder - which I'm sorry to say that both H. and I found terribly entertaining - I took the wedge away, figuring that he had learned a lesson about lemons. The SO ended up being a glutton for punishment, though, as he spent most of the meal trying to swipe the wedges from the table again for a second bite (which we watched with great interest, as he had the exact same response) and then a third bite. As usual, I would give serious money to know what is going on in his mind at times like this...
I'm finishing up a second pendant tonight - so I should have something new (well, newish - this is a new version of an older design) on Monday. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Yeah, the pendant magically appears again! :)
I'm not sure what it is with kids and lemons. I have 2 out of 4 that were like that with lemons. To this day, those same 2 like to eat lemons? Go figure.
Jenn Kelly
I love the pendant so I was happy that you managed to re- create it.Hope you all had a good weekend.
Yay! I was so glad to have that extra druzy cab...
Well, I'm glad the SO is true to form with the lemon thing, Jenn. It was too funny, though - he'd make the most horrible face when he bit into it - then he'd ask for more.
Thank you, Gladys! I hope you had a good weekend, too.
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