I haven't flashed my bead stash in a while, so I thought I'd go ahead and show off a recent acquisition tonight. Anyone who has been reading this blog for a while will know that I love skull beads. Anyone who's been reading this blog for the past couple weeks will know that I love unconventional Valentine-themed beads. So, you may not be too surprised to learn that I snapped this bead up the minute I saw it on Etsy. This witty Queen of Hearts skull was made by Joan Miller, one of my favorite ceramic artists (with silver work by Penny Michelle). I haven't decided exactly how I'm going to string it yet, but I have the impression it will be a slightly gothic, over-the-top kind of piece.
On other fronts, my binary code pendant has been featured by Jamie Kuli McIntosh on her wonderful blog, Twisted Textiles. Jamie contacted me last week for permission to use my photo and link to my Etsy store for her blog entry on Valentine's goodies. I am extremely flattered to be included in this talented group of artists that she's put together. Please go here to read the blog entry. And while you're there, be sure to check out her cool Crop Circle Quilt.
I can't believe it's already February 15th. I feel as if I've accomplished nothing this month, except indulge in a couple sneezy colds. I'm in the process of writing up two beading projects that are due in a couple weeks, but even with those I've been unduly dragging my feet. I've sketched out my project for Ornament Thursday (which will be posted at the end of the month), but I haven't made or fired the components for it yet. I don't know why, but February always seems to be a relatively unproductive month for me. I think that by February I feel that the winter has dragged on long enough, and I'm looking for a little spring fever. We've had an unusually wintry February where I live, too - lots of snow in just the past couple weeks with more predicted this weekend. It's interesting for the Short One, who is determined to get to grips with all of this strange, cold, white stuff, but I'm definitely ready for a little more sunlight and warmer weather.
I suppose that instead of writing about how little I'm getting done this month, I should actually go do something. As usual, thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great weekend!
You have a great weekend too.
The queen of hearts is cute. She looks like she's up to something!!!
Very cute bead! I have some Joan Miller/Penny Michelle combination beads, too.
your work is so lovely and delicate. beautiful blog....
Your blog has opened up a whole new world to me (can you hear groaning? - that'll be my other half welcoming a new obsession). This bead makes me feel so happy! I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with it. Btw - everytime I see your 'something wicked this way comes' necklace it just makes me grin!
Yes, your blog *is* beautiful!
That awesome skull bead reminds me that I need to incorporate more skulls into my artworks.
Thanks for the inspiration :) Maybe I'll go start a new quilt...
I feel the same way about the weather Melissa! I am so ready for Spring. Bring it ON!
Oh BTW, I've been tagged and am passing it on!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people* at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Christina - I love Joan Miller and Penny Michelle's work! I'd love to see what you did with yours...
Elaine, I always like to enable others when it comes to discovering great beads/jewelry. :)
Thanks for your comments on Something Wicked!!
Thanks, Jamie! And thanks again for the profile!
I love that bead!
Isn't it great??
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