I guess when you get right down to it, although I feel that my style has evolved over the past couple years working with metal clay, I just fundamentally like the idea of small boxes filled with bits of...stuff. As everyone in my family will tell you, I am a collector by nature, so perhaps the boxes are just an expression of this aspect of my personality.
Anyway, here's another iteration of a treasure box pendant. This one is pretty simple - I turned one of my Sea Change pendants into a small box - here's the reverse side of the above photo:
Actually, I am completely out of epoxy right now - and the place I usually buy it from is closed for Rosh Hashanah - so I haven't set the tiny pebbles in the top photo. (It's just as well - I think I'm going to remove the bit of sea glass - the color just seems a little too jarring next to all of those nice earthy tones.) They are part of the mass of stones that the Short One and I happily collected on the shores of Lake Michigan this summer. The pendant is reasonably small (for me, at least) at approximately 1.25" x 1.5", including bail. I think it will make a nice reversible piece once it's finished. I suspect the stones will look good strung with either wooden or coconut shell beads (or both).
Thanks for visiting!
I really love this!
Can't wait to see it finished, Melissa!
Thank you, Carmi!
Sue, I can't believe I ran out of epoxy! Oh, well!
Oh, I love it!! I am a collector myself and this idea is fantastic!!
I like it a lot! I like it a lot! Keep up the good work!
I love it. I agree; the sea glass is a bit jarring next to the earthy tones. Great idea!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Sometimes I wonder if I'm just weird when I look at unwearable things - like the shore-line at our local beach - and try to figure out how to wear them. It's good to know that other people think this way, too.
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