I'm finding it increasingly difficult to get anything done these days. Well, except paint and make cupcakes out of Play Doh (I make very attractive Play Doh cupcakes, if I say so myself). The Short One starts pre-school in two weeks. He'll only be attending a few days a week part-time, but I'm already wondering what I'm going to do with all of that free time.
Anyway, here are your super-late links for the week:
Carmi's Art/Life World
Carmi uses shrink plastic to make a neat little bracelet.
About.com Jewelry Making
Do you use blogging to promote your jewelry business? Tammy has some thoughts for you on this.
A Bead A Day
Have you ever used sterling silver curly-Q tubes in your jewelry designs?? Lisa is searching for cool ideas for these adorable tubes.
Art Bead Scene
Art Bead Scene expands the editorial staff and welcomes Lorelei Eurto!
Earthenwood Studio Chronices
Melanie shows off some fun experiments that she has seen coming out of her studio, mixing copper and pewter
Cindy Gimbrone aka The Lampwork Diva
Cindy unveils a new series of Art Nouveau inspired beads. In French it's known as "Stile Floreal" and in English it's the "Floral Style."
Jewelry & Beading
Looking ahead to the fall, Cyndi shows how to make a new necklace called "Autumn Arbor".
Katie's Beading Blog
Katie's mixing metals and a fun peyote bail with a giant crystal disk.
Lorelei's Blog: Inside the Studio
Lorelei is hosting a Necklace Round Robin, but you have to leave a comment to be entered to win a spot!
The writing and art of Andrew Thornton.
Beadfest Philadelphia was packed with talented artisans and bead-makers. See what Andrew picked out!
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