I received my advance copies of the January/February 2010 issue of Step by Step Beads in the mail yesterday. This is the last issue of the magazine that will be published. It makes me sad - the magazine was beautifully produced, and I always enjoyed reading it. It was one of the first magazines to which I ever submitted projects, and the editors there always treated my work well.
I'm pleased to be a part of the magazine's "last dance" - I have a necklace project in the issue using one of my double-sided box pendants (see the prototype here).
Thank you, Step by Step Beads - we'll miss you.
Really? I just got my copy but haven't yet read it all. That is sad...and I was just thinking how nice it would be to be published in there. Bummer.
I'm sad to hear that, it's been one of the few beading magazines you can find here in Finland.
Wow - I hate to see anything bead-related leave the marketplace. That is sad.
I'm sorry to see it go. This was the first magazine I purchased when I started making jewelry. So many good magazines are disappearing! The web is full of wonderful information, but there's nothing like flipping through the pages of an inspiring magazine.
I know. The economy has been rough on everyone. Sigh.
Alice, I agree with you, the web just can't replace the feeling of holding the magazine in your hands.
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