Hello, there. I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. We took the Short One to the Legoland Discovery Center this morning and a fun time was had by all. The SO went on his first amusement park-style ride and first movie (3D movie, even - although H. and I had to hold his 3D glasses in place for the whole movie). He loved it. It's a bit, shall we say, overpriced, not to put too fine a point on it, but it was definitely fun and a great activity for a crummy mid-30s with snow flurries kind of day.
Here's a different kind of crumb-y - the apple cake that the SO and I made at our Mom and Tot cooking class this week. We liked it but think that we could've done without the too-sweet topping (well, I found the topping too sweet - it might have been more of a texture issue on the SO's part). The SO is quite an avid baker at home and seems to really enjoy cooking class (which takes place in the middle of a play room, so the kids can go wild when they get tired of mixing batter). I enjoy watching the SO interact with the other kids, although he does have a dismaying tendency to try to direct everyone else's play time ("Which one of you does he take after?" one mother asked pointedly - yeah, that would be me, the anal one.)
On other fronts, the SO has, hilariously, taken to one line Steve Martin impressions. We have a disc of the Best of the Muppet Show that a friend gave us many years ago. It contains the episode with Steve Martin in which he does a version of the balloon animals skit. The other day, the SO was messing with strips of construction paper and suddenly held up a bunch of them and pronounced, with the exact same intonation as Martin, "Puppy dog!" We nearly keeled over. I suppose if he has to imitate something, there could be much worse things to imitate.
Anyway, here are your intriguing bead and jewelry links for the week. Thanks for visiting!
About.com Jewelry Making
Looking for some early holiday jewelry ideas? Start now with these simple projects that will apeal to a range of fashion tastes.
Art Bead Scene
Ribbon Isn't Just for Wrapping Presents!
Art Jewelry Magazine
A reader tests Art Jewelry's acid-free etching technique
Barbe Saint John - New Treasures from Forgotten Artifacts
Barbe is giving a way a copy of "Get Your Sparkle On', find out how to win it!
Carter Seibels for Divali Glass Jewelry
New designs for Fall are live on the Divali website; and Carter gets a technology facelift!
Get ready for the holidays with Katie's great gift ideas
Check out three of Katie's favorite gifts to give (and create!) this holiday season!
Jewelry & Beading
Using multiple techniques, Cyndi has made an autumn necklace that warms her heart now that the days are cold!
Naughty Secretary Club
Jen invites collage artist Traci Bautista to Austin for a little paint meets jewelry adventure.
Savvy Crafter-Candie Cooper
Candie's teaching at Ornamentea---see the class projects and details on her blog...
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
The day before the election, Jean urged us all to vote, which we did! On a jewelry note, she mentioned her fun article concerning gift ideas for the upcoming holidays which she wrote for Soft Flex!
Strands of Beads
Melissa ponders ethical issues involving some vintage beads.
Vacation Necklace
Carmi thinks nature provides pre-drilled shells just for her.
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