Well, this isn't exactly new work, but I don't think I ever posted a photo of the finished piece here, so I thought I'd go ahead and take the opportunity now. Yep, it's HRH Princess Charming. The focal contains a lovely floral lampworked pastille-shaped bead by Lezlie Belanger. This piece is pretty atypical for me - I was always very anti-girly-girl as a teenager and in my 20s (I wore a lot of black back then). Of course, I didn't like pink either, so go figure.
Since the Short One has been feeling better, and in order to give him some relief from the boredom of being stuck at home for the past few days, we ended up going out to dinner at a local Greek restaurant tonight. The SO was absolutely delighted, commenting on the decor, the other diners (the place is quite popular and was packed, since it's Friday), the lovely service, the high quality of the food, etc., etc. He ate like a horse, which pleased me no end, as his appetite has been quite depressed while he was sick. He also insisted on drinking water out of my cup with my straw (which is always so much more desirable than using his spill-proof cup and straw) which meant I had to hold the glass tumbler under his nose for about twenty minutes straight, but it was a small price to pay.
After dinner, the Husband drove us over to Borders to pick up a copy of the DVD entitled "Elmo's Potty Time" (guess why) and to run up and down the stairs (and ride the elevator) a few (dozen) times. Bookstore time in our family generally means that H gets to chase the SO around, while I get a few minutes to myself to browse. I always spend a little time looking at the new beading and knitting periodicals, and tonight I pulled out what I thought was a new copy of Beadwork from a back shelf to discover that I was holding BEADS2008 in my hot little hands. I think a heavenly choir might have burst into song behind me and my mailman definitely let out a huge sigh of relief. Yes, while I have been impatiently been waiting for my advance copy, the local Borders had already received a shipment of the magazine. Later, when I checked out, the cashier paused and said, "Um, are you aware that you're buying two copies of the same magazine?" Shhhhh!!!
Thus, having fed, entertained and exercised his family, H. cheerfully brought us home for the night. He's a nice guy, no?
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll just be sitting here, crooning in an undignified manner over the magazine. (Hopefully, one of these days I will be able to take a more mature, dignified and, shall we say, professional attitude to publication, but since it's only my second time in print, I hope all of you will cut me some slack.)
ps. If anyone has any advice to offer about the whole potty time issue, I'm all ears.
That necklace is GORGEOUS! And truly fit for a queen!
Congrats again on Beads2008. It is exciting...enjoy the press! It really never gets old...
Yeah, I'm going to Barnes and Noble today to see if they have the magazine!
We started PT at 18 monthes and by 3 we had to do hard core "boot camp" potty training. We sat her down said, "no more diapers", spent the weekend at home with no diapers and she said, "ok, no more diapers" and we've never had one accident! It seems like she was ready all along but didn't want to until we went hard core.
Congrats again.
Hey! Great news on the magazine! You thumb through it as many times as you like - be proud!!
Good luck with the potty training too - apart from a couple of small accidents it all went quite smoothly here .... phew! My only tip is the warmer the weather the better ... makes wandering round in the buff much more comfortable!
The necklace is fun. And congrats on being in print. One day...;)
I potty trained my son at 18 months in 1 week by not making a big deal about it. We kept a (closed) cup of M&Ms by the toilet, so instead of telling me he had to go potty, he said he wanted an m&m. He liked being a big kid (day care friends were older). He did wear a pull up at night until almost 4, but never had an accident during the day. HTH.
melissa, please contact me if you did not receive my email. thanks, jean
Thanks, Melanie! Congratulations to you, too!
Hey, Jenn - ugh, I predict a hard road ahead of us on the potty front. And the SO was completely bored by "Elmo's Potty Time" DVD, too...
Thanks, MM! I had one person comment about wandering around in the altogether in the garden and "watering the flowers" first to get the idea. It's definitely too cold here to do that, yet...
HTH - that's incredible! I suspect it's going to take us more than a week. It sounds as if having older friends can really help...
Thanks so much for your message. I did not receive your email. I've sent you one from my Strands email address: strandsofbeads[at]yahoo.com.
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