Yep, it's - another button!!! (I told you I was getting interested in buttons lately.) I basically turned my Geek Love pendant into a button here. Also, you'll note that it's framed by the end caps I made a couple weeks ago. I'm really liking these end caps. I can see doing a lot more with these and leather and/or silk cord in the future. Maybe I'll even finally get out that kumihimo braiding disk I bought five bead shows back and try to figure out how to use it...
Recently, Cyndi Lavin asked me to agree to be profiled on her Jewelry and Beading blog. As you can imagine, I was pretty flattered. I highly recommend anyone who is interested in jewelry-making but has not yet visited Jewelry and Beading to do so. It is a really well-written, informative blog. Cyndi covers everything from book and tool reviews to artist and vendor profiles to tutorials on jewelry-making techniques. I came to her site initially from a friend who alerted me to a call for entries for a metal clay book last year (in which, if all goes well, I should have two pieces published later this year) - Cyndi also publishes the call for entries for various publications and contests as they arise during the year. Anyway, it's a great blog and a great all-around resource. And I'm not just saying that because my Artist Profile appears as today's post, either.
The plumber is coming back for one last day of supplemental work on our pipes, and I need to get a few things done to prepare for our yet-again-waterless state tomorrow, so I'll close here. Thanks for stopping by!
I really love this. I can see how there is so much potential there. Very nice work!
Thanks so much for doing the profile! I love your work :-)
Thanks, Vickie! I'm really into button closures these days. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of them here soon.
Cyndi - thanks so much for asking me to be profiled on your blog. It was a great experience. And your blog is one of my favorites!
Great job, keep it up:-) i like the button..
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