Saturday, January 19, 2008

Etsy Love

My Geek Love pendant made the front page of Etsy tonight. (If you are reading this Saturday night, it may still be up...) Many thanks to rockstarwife, who included me in her wonderfully nerdy Treasury. This is the first time any item of mine has made it to the front page of Etsy, and I am quite excited. The funny thing is, I thought a binary code pendant spelling "love" would be too obscure for anyone but myself to like all that much...

As you may have noticed, I didn't post last night. I don't know what happened. I spent time packing up the necklace to send to BeadStyle, fired a kiln-load of silver (despite the frigid temperatures - I believe we hit 0 degrees F last night and it's supposed to go down to -2 degrees tonight) and did a bunch of the usual chores reserved for the quiet time after the Short One goes to sleep, but I completely forgot to check in with the blog. A thousand apologies (then again, perhaps you found it a refreshing break from my usual drivel?).

I'm finally in the process of making the piece for the Short One's Birthday Giveaway next week. So far, so good. Regardless, I will have something nice for the drawing next week - it's in honor of a very special person, after all. In fact, I think I'm going to sneak down to the basement to do some more work on it now. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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