Oooh, how biiizzzarre. That Theremin Jam video that I tried embedding from YouTube several nights ago finally showed up in the blog tonight. How unexpectedly...speedy. Not! Anyway, it's good, don't you think? I am still disappointed that the Star Trek theme is actually sung by a woman trying to sound like a theremin, though - as pointed out in an earlier blog post by Oscar the theremin player (thank you, Oscar). Ah, well, there are plenty of other examples of theremin playing that I've seen on YouTube (including one that's a cover of "Video Killed the Radio Star" that the Husband finds inexplicably humorous - I think we ended up watching that three times).
For some reason, apart from the big pieces over which I've been tearing my hair for the past week or so, I've been in the mood to make buttons. So far, I've just made a couple of bezels to be filled (picture above - background art by the Short One), but I'd really actually like to try making buttons from some of my other pendant designs, like the "Geek Love" pendant. I think it could look kind of cool. Kind of extravagant, making buttons from fine silver, but kind of cool. Also, as far as the koi buttons are concerned, one of my favorite cardigan types is a kimono style one. I don't even use a pattern for this - I just write up something simple myself. If I can figure out a way to photograph it, I'll post one of the ones I made last year on the blog. Anyway, I thought a kimono style sweater with a single button closure would look great with a big koi button. It's on my "to do" list. If I'm lucky, I'll get to it before next winter...
Anyway, I've been meaning to post links to these photos for a while now. I actually came across them on Beatrice Killeen's Fried Peas website, but unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to link to that particular blog post of hers, so I'm just going to link directly to the photos (hope you don't mind, Beatrice!). These are fantastic photos of a great white trailing a marine biologist in a teeny tiny canoe (there's nothing gruesome about the photos and there was no actual contact between the marine biologist and the shark - the shark just investigated the canoe for a bit). I believe they were taken by a National Geographic photographer. They really give a sense of scale - I would not have like to have been the man in the canoe, though. As far as I know, they are legitimate, untouched photos (and I believe Beatrice researched the issue before posting them on her site). Go here and here to view them.
Okay, back to my @#$#%$ projects. See you later.
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