Here's the Short One's and my latest collaborative masterpiece, entitled "Train" (it looks like a train, right? Right?). The SO has been quite keen on drawing lately. In fact, I turned on the television one night and discovered that he had, in a fit of enthusiasm, covered the screen in a crayon masterpiece while I was cooking dinner. Fortunately, this is actually quite unusual, as his preferred medium is still paper. (While I would like to avoid stifling his creativity, we've still taken what some might call a conservatively dim view towards coloring the walls, etc.)
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Here are your intriguing bead and jewelry links for the week:
Katie's Beading Blog
Get ready for wedding season with Katie's beaded bridal necklace pattern. This necklace is the perfect accessory for brides, attendants, and guests alike!
Art Bead Scene
Is time for your 15 minutes of fame? There's still time to be the next Bead Star and 'bead famous!"
Barbe Saint John - New Jewelry from Forgotten Artifacts
Barbe makes a necklace with supplies from Alpha Stamps
About.com Jewelry Making
Be chic and make jewelry with some help from a new book: Chic Metal: Modern Metal Jewelry to Make at Home by Victoria Tillotson.
Bead&Button magazine
Leslie's keeping up the creativity--see what she's up to
Jewelry & Beading
Cyndi's written a tutorial on making a necklace with one of the new Swarovski discs from Artbeads!
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Mixing different kinds of mud with bug images, Melanie has fun in the dirt with new brown Lava Stone beads from Rings & Things
Jennifer Jangles Blog
Jennifer gives a great source for getting your designs made into rubber stamps.
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
There's a great giveaway prize to be had if you check out Soft Flex Company's Big Prize Giveaway! Jean has the low down on how to get in on it!
Strands of Beads
Melissa reviews Margot Potter's new book, Beyond the Bead
Thanks for visiting.