Well, I had a nice surprise today: I received an inquiry about my pony print pendants. Given that I haven't had these pendants listed on Etsy or otherwise advertised them for the past six months, I knew this meant that the February issue of Simply Beads - in which I have two projects, including one using my pony print pendants - must now be available. I haven't yet received my advance copies, so I surfed over to the Simply Beads website this afternoon...and discovered that my pony print pendant earrings have made the cover! This is the first time my finished jewelry (as opposed to beads - my koi and fortune cookie pendants were on the cover of BEADS 2008) has made the cover of a magazine, so I am Very Excited. Thanks to all at Simply Beads magazine - I can't wait to see the issue, which looks to include a great selection of projects by many of the designers I love, including Katie Hacker, Candie Cooper, Rupa Balachandar and Margot Potter. (In fact, I'm trying to sneak a trip to Barnes & Noble in among our errands tomorrow to see if I can hunt down a copy.)
On other fronts, I have been reminded that one of the people in this house has a birthday looming imminently (actually, two people do, but only one of them has been making a big fuss about balloons and cake). Last year, I rabbited on and on about this birthday for almost week until I'm sure anyone who was still reading the blog at that point was sick of it - and, frankly, I'll probably do it again this year. So don't say you weren't warned. However, I'm also going to be holding a nice giveaway, probably starting at the end of this coming week. I came up with a game plan while giving the SO his bath tonight (let's hear it for multitasking) which should work out nicely, if I can get my act together in the next couple days. This is usually a debatable issue, but I will try to make an effort in light of the special occasion.
Thanks for visiting!
Hey Melissa, the earrings on the cover are just plain beautiful!
I want, actually need a pair like those as I have an undying love for turquoise and the color black.
PS: thanks for the kind words!
Hi Rupa, Thank you! My advance copies finally came - I love your earring design, too!
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