Ugh, I had such great plans to write eloquently about various beady topics this week. I even have a draft post about cool metal clasps that's been languishing for the past two days. Instead, I've been laid up with a bad cold (that I promptly passed on to the Husband who is on vacation at the moment, which means the Short One has been running rings around both of us) and haven't written a darn thing. Moreover, although we regarded the SO, our usual source of infection these days, with great suspicion, he's remained stoutly healthy. Hopefully, he can show off his newly built-up resistance to germs and remain that way.
But never mind all that - on to the reason you are probably visiting today. If you're thinking there are way too many pieces of paper in the SO's red cowboy hat, you are absolutely right. The SO, in a fit of enthusiasm, dumped all of the itty-bitty papers with numbers that we've been using to determine his Pick of the Day into the mix. It made things interesting, but he still managed to pick three names out of the hat. Drumroll, please:
Marym, you have won the SO's "Ace of Hearts" pendant. Congratulations!
Sue of Sue Beads, you have won the SO's super-numeric "Geek Love" pendant. Yay!
Bette Lou, you have won the grand prize, the SO's "Heart Has Its Reasons" necklace. (Uh, I seem to have run out of appropriate interjections...) Woo-hoo!
Winners, please email your address information to me at: strandsofbeads[a]yahoo.com.
Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to enter the SO's big birthday giveaway. I enjoyed reading the comments, and the SO had a great deal of fun with all of the little slips of paper involved. Which are now all over our house.
I think I'm going to go drink my liquids and have a little lie down, now. Take care, all.