Here's my final Ornament Thursday project for 2008. A little rough-cut chrysophase, faceted aquamarine, snowy white pearls and white seed beads (along with my snowflake pendant, again) for a simple statement on the season. Please visit the other OT participants for other great ways to conclude the holiday season:
BeadStyle magazine
A seed-beaded ornament for the holidays
Cindy Gimbrone aka Lampwork Diva
Cindy's sharing her favorite OT project!
For myself, to be perfectly frank, I've seen enough snowflakes in the past two days to last the rest of the winter (it took my father two days to fly in, due to wintry conditions). Our family is now all together for the holiday, and the Short One is happy as a clam (although, admittedly, the first thing he said to his grandfather when he arrived this afternoon was, "Did you bring my checkers?!?" The SO has been quite keen to acquire a set of checkers ever since watching Elmo play the game a couple months ago and, between you and me, he has already figured out that his grandparents are a soft touch for this kind of thing). H. and I are looking forward to trying to assemble various items and then collapsing in bed for the night. (And since the SO doesn't really know what's going to hit him tomorrow, we are hoping for a late start to the morning, too.)
I hope this finds you likewise with loved ones for whatever seasonal celebrations in which you may partake. Thanks so much for reading!
ps. I ended up being too disorganized to hold a sale before Christmas, but I have marked down everything in the store by 25% through the end of the year. Should anyone be interested, that is.
Hey Melissa- is your contact information anywhere on your blog? If so I can't find it- email me, wontcha?
Hi Kate, I sent you an email. (It is strandsofbeads[at]yahoo.com.)
Hi Melissa!
Happy to have re-discovered your blog : )
Happy 2009!
Hi, WMK!! So nice to hear from you. Hope you had a wonderful holiday with TLG and TBG!
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