My local bead store, Chelsea's Beads, has just brought in a really nice shipment of Roman glass beads. (I took a look, and some of them are available on-line. In fact - hey! - I didn't even see those cute fish shaped beads when I was in the store.) It's difficult to tell from the above photo, but these beads are actually pretty big - the focal pendant is about 2" in diameter. Look under the "

This photo is pretty terrible, but I really loved these two strands - the blue is a beautiful cobalt blue and the smaller beads come from broken bangles and are very colorful. For those unfamiliar with this great, family-owned store, Chelsea's Beads does have wholesale accounts - please contact them for details. (By the way, I purchased all of these beads myself, and the store does not know that I am blogging about them.)
I bought a strand of roman glass at the last bead show I went to. I am totally infatuated with them. I have a simple idea for how to use some of them, but who knows when I'll finally get around to it...
Yeah, I know what you mean! I should just sit down and do it, but getting started is always the biggest hurdle for me.
Wonderful! Thanks for sharing these. Someday I want to get my clepto-little fingers on some of that Roman glass. :3 Have to use up some more of my stash first, though... hoarding beads is a problem. XD I love the colorful strand in your lower picture, too. Gorgeous!
They're hard to resist, right? Now I just need to sit down and make something with them...
That Roman glass is AWESOME!
Apparently it's been selling out really fast - I can see why...
I have huge love for Roman glass. Thanks for sharing this new source. I'm smitten!
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