The UPS guy just delivered a box from the publisher with one of my necklace projects in it. This isn't completely unusual, given what I do with my spare time these days, but the contents today were a complete surprise. I thought it contained two pieces I have slated for an upcoming book, but in fact when I opened the box I discovered this necklace.
This piece, with the completely beautiful ceramic horse focal by Virginia Miska (which, incidentally, I won as part of my monthly challenge prize package back in 2007, through Art Bead Scene), was originally slated for the April 2009 edition of Simply Beads magazine. Alas, that worthy publication's last issue was February 2009. I subsequently completely lost track of this piece (I am embarrassed to say that I didn't even realize it was still at the publisher's office - note to self to get a little more organized about my projects...).
I received the happy news today that the project has been published on ePatternsCentral. If you are not already familiar with this service, ePatternsCentral is an electronic warehouse, of sorts, of downloadable crafting patterns. Looking for unusual, attractive beading, sewing, knitting, crocheting or quilting (among other mediums) patterns? Why not try ePatternsCentral?
"Horsefeathers" (which, with apologies to Virginia, is the title of this necklace) is now available for download here.
Thanks for visiting!