Hello and welcome. Thanks for visiting my brand new blog - I hope you enjoy what you read here.
The title of this blog refers primarily to strands of beads and strands of yarn. I have been a casual beader and an avid knitter for several years. Earlier this year, I started lampworking and working with precious metal silver. The necklace photographed above contains some of my early glass beads and my very first fine silver beads. Over the past two months, I have quickly become obsessed with making beads and jewelry. I remain obsessed with knitting. My intent at this stage is to focus primarily on these two mediums and the sources of inspiration for both.
By the way, I'm completely new at this - I'm more of a lurker on other people's blogs than anything else. I hope you'll bear with me as I gain my footing and learn the finer points of blogging.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the title of this entry is a quote from the sonnet sequence "Astrophel and Stella" by Sir Philip Sidney. I've always loved that quote.
Metamorphosis and the state of wintering
2 days ago
Welcome to the blog world Melissa! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Thanks, Heather - I really appreciate your support!
Welcome to happy blog land!
Thanks for all of your help, Melanie!
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