The Super Friends, courtesy of The Short One (and Daddy).
This was completely rendered using the touchpad on our MacBook - not bad, eh?
I'm particularly fond of Wonder Woman.
(The skinny dude next to her is Aquaman, in case you were wondering.)
It's been so long since the Short One's actual birthday, I decided to change the theme of the annual giveaway (plus, I think the SO would be insulted if anyone were to suggest that he just turned four - he's been four for a long time now, practically forever, thank you very much).
Superheroes are a big theme here right now, and, to tell you the truth, we're in need of superheroes at the moment. I've been sort of debating all along what to say and not to say about our circumstances right now. This blog is technically part of my home, and of course, I routinely share family stories here. However, this one is rather personal, and it's not really my story to tell - it belongs to my son. That being said, I think I can at least share this much.
The SO ended up having an unwelcome birthday surprise this year. Shortly after he turned four, I took him to his pediatrician for what I thought was going to be a routine physical. However, within a few hours of that visit he had to be admitted to the hospital and by that night he was definitively diagnosed with juvenile diabetes.
The SO was Not Happy in the hospital, to put it mildly (and who can blame him?), but the Peds Ward had a lending library of videos to distract the patients. I ended up grabbing every Scooby-Doo movie he hadn't already seen - and I also found a copy of a Super Friends video containing a selection of episodes from one of the original versions of the show (the Legion of Doom series) from the mid-70s.
To say that the SO - who up to that point had not so much as heard the word "superhero" - became immediately obsessed with all things Super Friends-related would be an understatement. We live and breathe superheroes night and day right now. We have serious conversations about the fact that "Lex Luthor is Superman's anemone" and its implications. We discuss in intricate detail options for this year's Halloween costume (curiously enough, Robin seems to be winning so far). We develop long and involved hypotheses concerning what kind of pet accompanies Aquaman (since Superman has Krypto and Batman has Ace the Bathound, after all).
And we love it. Despite the irony, I can't think of anything better in which to have the SO's imagination wrapped up than strong characters who are always brave in the face of adversity (even if they do wear their undergarments on the outside) as he goes through this major life change.
Which brings us to this giveaway. Here's the prize:

As you can see, my floating box pendant has no relation to superheroes, sadly (although I suppose you could say that the sea glass is sort of a kryptonite green, eh?). I had this in mind from last year as the prize for the SO's giveaway - mostly because I designed this pendant originally for my mother, who wanted something reminiscent of a locket that could contain the SO's photo. This version has a shallow square bezel on the back in which you can paste a photo.
Now the SO always gets a kick out of selecting the winner of these contests, so I thought that, to make it more fun for him, I'd have a new rule for this year.
In order to enter, you must let the SO know who your favorite superhero (or supervillain, we are equal opportunity on this point) is in your comment below this post. Comments which do not meet this requirement will not be entered in the giveaway. I'm sure he will be tickled to see which hero (or villain) wins the contest. (Me, I'm rooting for Batman.)
My other usual rules apply. If you leave a comment using the "Anonymous" option (ie, if you are not registered with Blogger), be sure to write your name at the bottom so I know who entered. You must return to the blog at the end of the contest to see if you won - I will not contact the winner by email.
The contest will end on Saturday, March 20th. I will post the name of the winner at that time with instructions on how to claim the prize.
Thanks for continuing to check in with me - I appreciate it.