I'm just scribbling a quick note to say that I am still around and still occasionally thinking of you and beading and the blog - I just don't have much time to devote to these pleasant thoughts at the moment. We are still undergoing a bit of a paradigm shift at our house. In my optimistic moments, I like to envision the whole process as one of re-organization into a higher level - one that's stronger, clearer-eyed and with better teeth (figuratively, that is - there's really nothing wrong with anyone's teeth in the house, at least not at the moment). In my less optimistic moments, I just feel exhausted and in need of a nap.
And if all of this is just too arcane for you, don't worry about it. I and the blog should be back to business as usual in a few weeks. Also, I still do intend to hold the Short One's (Belated) Birthday Giveaway. If I have a few moments to actually finish the prize, that might even happen at the end of this week. But I definitely will hold it sooner or later - because I love to celebrate my child's special day - even if I am a little late - because he is such a good, sweet boy. Seriously. Even if he does tell me stuff like this:
Me: Do you like your new blue-striped big boy underpants?
SO: Yeah! I showed them to Samantha today! (sadly) But Claire didn't want to see them.