The Pumpkin Party was a smashing success (so to speak), although the Short One was a little dubious about the Mr. Potato Head who said hello to him early in the evening. Here's the pumpkin that the SO decorated (and a fine shot of my arm and my favorite knit cardigan - I'm sure you can tell that I knit it kimono-style, right?). I'll be back later tonight with my Terrorific Tuesday post, but in the meantime, here are your intriguing bead and jewelry links for the week:
About.com Jewelry Making
Tammy has gathered up a load of jewelry making links from all over the web covering related news, contests, and more.
Art Bead Scene
Catherine Witherell Visits Art Bead Scene!
Bead&Button Magazine
Check out Tea's blog about BeadAndButton.com/15 and their 15th anniversary content!
Carmi's Art/Life
Carmi makes a fabric skeleton pin to wear trick or treating.
Carter Seibels for Divali Glass Jewelry
Carter unveils some new designs for Fall!
Check out Katie's cute halloween decor!
Katie's festive pumpkin captures the the feeling of fall.
Jennifer Jangles Blog
Holly Jolly Christmas Designs
Jewelry & Beading
Cyndi's taking a look this week at all the informations she's gathered on steampunk style jewelry.
Savvy Crafter
It was a dark and not so scary craft night....
Strands of Beads
Melissa thinks about snakes and circle links
Thanks for visiting!
Cute pumpkin!
Great links too! I'd love to join in the linky love (for beaded jewelry), thanks!
Thanks, Stephanie! I have sent you an email through your website regarding your comment.
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